Ever had one of those days when you look in the mirror, standing there naked in all your glory, and you see some things you’ve never seen before? A slight bulge here and there. When did that start popping out and how can I get it to go back down? Here are six quick and easy weight loss tips that could help you get back to a time when you strutted your stuff proudly in your birthday suit in front of your bathroom mirror. Yeah, let’s get back to that. Keep in mind; everyone is different so don’t get discouraged if one of these tips doesn’t apply to you. One of your biggest weight loss allies will be acquiring as many options as possible.
These 6 weight loss tips will have you feeling like a beef in the buff:
1. Eliminate temptation
This is one of the quickest weight loss tips I have for you, but maybe not the easiest. You are setting yourself up for major disappointment if your cupboards are filled with easy, accessible and processed foods that lack nutrition and will only add to your waistline. I don’t believe in wasting food, but I’d recommend cleaning out your home of temptation. It takes a lot more effort to get in the car and go to a store or drive-thru than simply opening up your pantry.
2. Eat breakfast
It still is considered one of the best meals of the day. If you are rushed in the morning, try to prepare meals like overnight oats or protein muffins the night before. I always keep my meal replacement bars handy along with little plastic bags of portioned almonds, hardboiled eggs and fruit readily accessible for “grab-and-go” moments. If you skip breakfast, you are setting yourself up for binging later on, decreased energy and focus, amongst a myriad of other problems. Believe it or not, the best weight loss tips usually include EATING meals.
3. Lose the guilt
As a therapist and trainer, I have often used the concept of externalization. I tell clients to picture guilt or whatever negative emotion/feeling they are struggling with as either a foreign invader, an unwanted guest, or that little cartoon devil often depicted in movies sitting on one side of your shoulder. If you can recognize this negative emotion as uninvited and not a part of you or what defines you, you will better be able to realize that you are the one in the driver’s seat. You can invite this negativity in or choose to ignore it. It takes practice and definitely isn’t an instant fix, but this is an incredibly reliable technique to help you get rid of the emotions that are literally and figuratively weighing you down. Weight loss tips should always include mental and emotional health adjustments.
4. Set tangible goals
If you have a broken foot, don’t sign up for a marathon next month. Realize that setting goals beyond your reach will only cause major disappointment and setback. Set weekly, monthly and bi-yearly goals that are progressive and build upon each other. Also, take each goal and define them into manageable steps on paper, not just in your head.
5. Avoid the grocery store and dinner parties when you are hungry
Grab a snack or a big salad before you enter environments filled with binging, diet-destroying opportunities.
6. Ditch the scale and grab your camera
Scales don’t reveal the whole truth and can become an unhealthy obsession. I’d suggest either measuring or taking progress photos instead. If you opt for a photo session, you probably won’t like the first one but use it as motivation. Stick with your weight loss goals, and soon you’ll really like what you see looking in your mirror naked. You’re bringing sexy back!
These six quick and easy weight loss tips are only the beginning when it comes to all of the options available to you. For starters, try these on for size and see how they fit. You aren’t alone on this journey. There will be a steady stream of support and answers to help you along the way.